National Producer Number & License Validations

Clearcover uses automated validations in our quote and servicing flows to ensure that all agencies and agents are properly licensed to manage Clearcover insurance products at a state-specific level. 

Clearcover completes the following validations automatically in real time:

  1. Agent national producer number (NPN) is present and verified through NIPR / state DOI records
    1. Using that agent NPN, we validate that the agent has an active insurance license with the proper lines of authority (LOA) that are required by the respective state DOI for auto insurance
    2. Agent NPNs are required for all licensed agents in the Clearcover portal
  2. Agency national producer number (NPN) is present and verified through NIPR / state DOI record
    1. Using that agency NPN, we validate that the agency has an active insurance license with the proper lines of authority (LOA) that are required by the respective state DOI for auto insurance
    2. For agencies located in states where an agency NPN is not required OR not offered, this validation is skipped

If any of the above validations fail for an agency and/or agent, they will encounter a compliance stop when attempting to quote or service Clearcover policies. This error screen will present a “Not Authorized” message and is typically the result of:

  1. An erroneous agent or agency NPN being input to the Clearcover agent portal
  2. An agent or agency not having an active insurance license for the state attempted
  3. An agent or agency having an active insurance license with the wrong line of authority for the state attempted


  1. If you have an agent in your office who is only licensed in TX, that agent will not be able to quote policies in any other Clearcover state besides TX
  2. If your agency license expires or gets revoked, none of your agents will be able to quote Clearcover in that state until the agency license is recognized as active by the state DOI
  3. If you have agents in your office who are licensed in all 50 states, but for life and health insurance only, they will not be able to quote Clearcover products

Agency admin users in the Clearcover portal have the ability to update NPNs for their agency and their agent staff in the event they were entered incorrectly. Admin users can also view the state specific insurance license data returned from any NPN entry shown in the Clearcover agency portal. Learn more about admin capabilities in our Agent Resource Center training videos.

For any license inquiries about you or your agency, please contact your respective state department of insurance to validate the license details on file. Clearcover cannot control or override any state DOI license data. Any insurance license filings or updates remain the sole responsibility of the agents appointed by Clearcover.