Encountering a Stop on a Quote

During the quote flow process, you may receive a message that the applicant is not a good fit or that you need to contact Clearcover for more information. There are several reasons you could receive a stop on a quote that are outlined below.

No prior insurance

If an applicant fails underwriting guidelines due to not being currently insured, you may challenge the report if you can verify the applicant has current insurance in force.

To challenge the report, you can provide one of the following documents to a Clearcover representative via chat or email at agents@clearcover.com. 

  • a current declaration page from the applicant's current carrier showing they are currently covered (not a renewal that is future effective)
  • a current, dated, letter of experience (LOE)
  • an official proof of insurance letter from their current carrier

Clearcover will only accept proof of insurance for personal auto policies, commercial policies, or motorcycle policies.

The following documents are not acceptable:

  • ID cards
  • general liability or non-auto policies

If the applicant has years of history, a letter of experience or their beginning and current declaration pages would be best, so we can give them credit for the length of time they have been continuously insured with their carrier to ensure they get the proper rate.

Vehicle ownership

If you answer that the named insured or their spouse is not the registered owner of the vehicles on the quote, this applicant does not meet Clearcover's underwriting guidelines. 

Garaging address

You may encounter a stop on a quote if the applicant's garaging address does not meet Clearcover's underwriting guidelines. For more information on why the address does not meet the guidelines, you can connect with a Clearcover representative.